The username and email parameters i have sent to the sites were not urlencoded.
Last time i tried urlencoding them it even caused problems, but not doing so is also wrong.
The linking for usernames and emails that contain special url characters, like a +, should work now.
I hope the urlencoding does not break any site from linking.
If you encounter problems with linking sites let me know.
Happy Challenging!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Tried linking to Tools & Design and ThisIsLegal. Sez it doesn't like my UN / Email. (I double checked, but I've been up all night so it could totally still be my fault... xD)
i accidently deleted all site_options in the site table and the "no_urlencode" options where lost.
I have re-enabled this option for TIL and T&D and linking should work again for the two sites.
Thank you for the report!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.