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Quote from mirmo

'Rankk' => array('Rankk', 'Crypto,Stegano,Math,Logic,Misc,IRC,Hacking,Exploit,Programming,JavaScript'),
The most difficult to tag because Rankk is very comprehensive...

Yeah, i know it was a hard site to tag Smile good job!
I added the tag Storyline to rankk, which shall indicate that it is a linear challenge.

For example Electrica, Rankk,, infomirmo(already fixed) are all "linear challenges", because you have to unlock more difficult challs later on. (Storyline tag might get renamed to Linear tag)

I surely missed a lot of tags, some tags can maybe get removed, like a site with only 2% crypto challs does not need a crypto tag.

As "round 1" is over, you can still contribute by fixing the current list, availale here: /tagdemo.php

also how about a "Tutorial/Paper" tag?

So, if you think: hey this site should not get the Shell tag, or: hey listbrain is missing IRC tag, please report it to me.

Thanks again
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Last edited by gizmore - Feb 19, 2010 - 17:26:44
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Quote from Gizmore
For example Electrica, Rankk,, infomirmo are all "linear challenges", because you have to unlock more difficult challs later on.

LOST-Chall too.

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Yeah, and lost.... i looked through all my know sites that have a linear/storyline tag (its more than you though) ...
updated the tagdemo.php, you may report more errors Smile
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