I doubt that the google pagerank says anything about the skill-level needed to solve challenges on a site.
Popularity of a site will likely never be included in any scoring.
There were quite a few users with 0 points even though they had solved a few challenges.
So I fixed some rounding issues and now you should get at least 1 point if you solve a challenge.
At first glance it doesn't seem to cause any new issues, but if you spot something, please let me know.
Happy-Security now has raised to 10,000 points
infomirmo has raised 10,000 points
Yashira has been raised to 8,000 points
NewbieContest has been raised to 8,000 points
a few other sites also gained 1k or 2k. (if you think a site has a too low basescore let me know )
Planned is to set _all_ sites to 10,000, and let the scripts decide
Some sites can still get a "malus" if they are "too easy"
Happy challenging
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Happy-Security now has raised to 10,000 points
infomirmo has raised 10,000 points
Yashira has been raised to 8,000 points
NewbieContest has been raised to 8,000 points
I really like infomirmo, but I think NewbieContest worth more points ;-)
Actually, NewbieContest has a lot more challenges (45 atm),and has a harder average, imho.
But be sure I really appreciate this update of french sites scores