The task
Your task is simple. Just compute the equation and submit the result as number in the solution-base.
Please use the provided charset for your computations.
For example, the uppercase hex charset is 0123456789ABCDEF. The charsets here are case-sensitive.
Base N means the base is using the first N chars from the charset.
Charset: OMDPdCQgNKHaTF0VL4ul8n3cwX#xtb@em]5[_Jr{2iEApvI6R1ZG9Ss7}BkyYfoWqzjUh
Input Base: 60
Solution Base: 39
Timelimit: 3.1416 seconds
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1J{8 * ca{s * MKBxp * Lmt4 * MKa9F * 7GeM *
wXD8 * tL7S * n4C6 * QQs0 * MV3Ba
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