It means that:
1. You do not share your solution with other users or people who may or may not be registered.
2. You do not post solutions here or on any site
3. You do not use solutions found elsewhere to rank up.
Sharing hints with users is fine but sharing solutions is like someone handing you a completed sudoku. The primary goal of challenge sites is never to show off your rank, it is about education and learning. If someone uses the solutions which are found on other sites or given by someone else then they skip this vital step.
Personally I work in the security field as a penetration tester and I can certainly guarantee that I would not have gotten this job if not for the knowledge which I gained through various challenge sites over the last 15 years
This said, we don't bite. Ask for hints by all means and consider joining our IRC channel where you can talking in realtime to many users or specific users.
Above all else have fun, and remember the journey is more important than the destination.