i am trying to solve ssh The beginning,
but i have problems to understand what i must do
in level 2 and 3.
Anyone can give me a littele helpfull Hint?
P.S. Im never worked whit Linux ;-(
it is hard to tell you a hint without telling you the solution. it is also hard to solve without linux knowledge.
you should learn in level 2 how to hide things..
for level3: there are some files in linux with configurations, saving data, in your profile folder ;)
Contact only via c3BhY2VAd2VjaGFsbC5uZXQ= or PM...
Windows can be secure... but only if you don't use it
In one folder Gizmore tell you, just cd and .. over it.
Ah, level6 doesn't belongs to the warchall ssh. It's not 'operative' yet (something like that told me Gizmore)