Who followed it on X. I wrote that as of July 2025 I will add solutions so everyone can step up to 20 out of 26 letters. But assume you don't have understanding of programming...I already provided a mechanism that provides a rotor system.
The code hereunder is Java code. The whole idea is you have an alphabet, a rotor implementation (or more than 1) a decryption alphabet, the ciphertext and the shift (schuif). Sorry the code is in Dutch. You start with S equals S. Hint NORTHEAST = QQPRNGKSS. So it is this S you start with and the second S becomes T. So the thing you need to do is add letters in the decrypt array in such a way, you get more. But also keep in mind that you have more rotors probably. So schuif can be different and let's say start with 26. Alfabet could also be rewritten to eg. letters + numbers. etc etc. But assume we stick to 26. So you will need to add more logic in here, to get more out of it. But this will give you a head set and perhaps, you can have a bit of looking up how the Java programming language works and have play with it.
I hope this helps for many. I didn't provide the enigma uhr changes, the additional steps needed, but the first say 50 characters can be solved in less than 3 hours (if you use the code). If you want more decryptions you can add more decrypt arrays. So I kept it minimalistic for everyone, but here you have freedom. You don't need everything to solve parts. You can sort your way on how to do it progressively.
public class Kryptos2 {
private char[] alfabet = new char[]{'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z'};
private char[] decrypt = new char[]{' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','S',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '};
private char[] cipher = new char[] {'O','B','K','R','U','O','X','O','G','H','U','L','B','S','O','L','I','F','B','B','W','F','L','R','V','Q','Q','P','R','N','G','K','S','S','O','T','W','T','Q','S','J','Q','S','S','E','K','Z','Z','W','A','T','J','K','L','U','D','I','A','W','I','N','F','B','N','Y','P','V','T','T','M','Z','F','P','K','W','G','D','K','Z','X','T','J','C','D','I','G','K','U','H','U','A','U','E','K','C','A','R'};
public Kryptos2() {
int schuif = 1;
char[] tekst = new char[97];
for (int i=0; i < cipher.length; i++) {
for (int j=0; j < decrypt.length; j++) {
if (cipher == decrypt[j]) {
if (schuif > 25) {
schuif = 0;
int positie = j+schuif;
while (positie > 25) {
positie -= 26;
while (positie < 0) {
positie += 26;
tekst = alfabet[positie];
System.out.println(" 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567");
public static void main(String[] arg)
Kryptos2 k = new Kryptos2();