Restrict session to IP died :(

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I am unpleasant to inform you that server got suspended and purged due to a missed payment.
I simply forgot it and did not see any mail. Ouch Sad

I think we have kinda backups in module audit, but it will take some time and thoughts what to do best now.

Any suggestions?
- gizmore

Edit: Around 8 beginner challs surely got lost i think.

Does someone accidently have some copies of their warchall home?

Edit2: HaHa! we got a huge pile of shell replays \o/

We shold shove a GB of that into GPT3 and see if it rm -rf itself?

Kinda Retard
- gizmore3
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RE: died :(
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I am still kinda perplex.
Further investigation revealed: all challenges are lost.

The last hope is some old HDDs i might have around. Sad

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RE: died :(
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It's an up and down.

Good news:

I found most of the advanced challs.

For a few beginner ones it is tricky. Those can be reconstructed from player shell replays (tedious)

Ogon even found /etc/.git which would help in setting up a new server.

Sadly i have other priorities at the moment, but warchall will get back sooner or later, at least i hope so

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RE: died :(
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We think we setup a new box. wc6

livinskull and tehron will help to setup a new experience.

For wc0 all thats left to say is:Another++

it will take like time get it back!

- giz
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RE: died :(
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Oh no ! Sad news. I only did the py-tong chall...
And I sometimes used the server for analysing http requests for other challenges, it was pretty useful Smile
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We are still working on it, and it should be back sooner or later.
the priority is quite high.
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RE: died :(
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The creation of accounts might work again.
Password reset does not.

Still quite some stuff on todo, like remote log web viewer and free www for everyone.

EDIT: Big thx to tehron for being the new uberadmin for box 6 Drool
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Feb 12, 2023 - 01:10:33
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RE: died :(
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Any chance password reset may work again in the future? I can't remember the exact way I entered my password the first time I tried creating an account for WarChall and now I'm completely unable to log in.
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RE: died :(
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Does Password (re)setting still not work or haven't you tested?
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RE: died :(
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Well, okay, the password reset doesn't return any errors on the page for the training challenge, the issue I'm encountering is that the reset doesn't seem to be reflected in the WarChall box itself, a conclusion I have come to due to my complete inability to log into the box.
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