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"Fixed" sort links when sorting only open/solved challeges

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"Fixed" sort links when sorting only open/solved challeges
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Steps to reproduce:
1) Click on "Challenges" in the top menu bar
2) Click on either "Open" or "Solved" above the challenges listing
3) Sort the listing by any column desired

Selection from step 2) is now ignored
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RE: "Fixed" sort links when sorting only open/solved challeges
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I've fixed this and made some other improvements too. Thanks! Smile
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RE: "Fixed" sort links when sorting only open/solved challeges
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Oh wow Smile thank you! My OCD was going crazy Smile
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RE: "Fixed" sort links when sorting only open/solved challeges
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The same problem exists when trying to show all unsolved challenges of category foo.
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RE: "Fixed" sort links when sorting only open/solved challeges
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Looks like my changes (and possibly others) were undone by a later commit. Sad
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