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A second root

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A second root
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A second server
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A second root
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Would you like to see dloser as second root admin here?
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: A second root
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What is this? A democracy?

I'll take care of that soon...
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RE: A second root
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I think it is important to have a second person with acccess rights. Also encrypted backups of the SQL database are important. And a backup of the challenges which aren't tracked in svn icoe is necessary. Therefore dloser seems to be a good candidate. He solved nearly everything, will solve everything when he is root then and is a trustworthy dictator.
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RE: A second root
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Quote from space
May 02, 2015 - 12:41:58

...backups of the SQL database...

Who can beat gizmore to this task?? Happy
I agree with space on this. Redundancy is very much needed (and of course dloser must create 2 more Identity challenges for him Happy)
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RE: A second root
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dloser is root on most systems now, if he wasn´t before Drool

As first actions he fixed a crazy process and did a curl update.

Maybe he will install a mysql slave box for us? we will see Smile

Happy challenging!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: A second root
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When can I expect my paycheck?
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RE: A second root
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Quote from dloser
May 06, 2015 - 18:14:12

When can I expect my paycheck?

Right after you share your Dogecoin wallet address Smile
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RE: A second root
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Wow... The box is almost usable again Smile

Also Lamb and ricer got a watcher now, and i got taught about "screen -x"

Thanks dude Smile
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: A second root
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Quote from Gizmore
May 20, 2015 - 23:24:14

Also Lamb and ricer got a watcher now, and i got taught about "screen -x"

Argh,,, don't use screen! tmux is the new screen!
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