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Stuck  Go to the QMine challenge

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I was able to get the "obivious solution" like stated when I put it in the box, what now?
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RE: Stuck
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Find a solution that isn't obvious?
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RE: Stuck
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Quote from dloser
Oct 22, 2014 - 00:10:38

Find a solution that isn't obvious?

I couldn't find anything else interesting in the source than those 2 int arrays, and they didn't provide me anything else understandable text than the obivious.
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RE: Stuck
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Yeah, that's a problem with things that aren't obvious... Drool

Keep at it! It's all there. Smile
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RE: Stuck
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Quote from dloser
Oct 22, 2014 - 01:41:03

Yeah, that's a problem with things that aren't obvious... Drool

Keep at it! It's all there. Smile

Do I need to use the obivious answer to get the real answer, or are they completely unrelated?
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RE: Stuck
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Quote from jusb3
Oct 22, 2014 - 03:45:41

Do I need to use the obivious answer to get the real answer, or are they completely unrelated?

For any challenge where you have found something that doesn't seem to be "it", I'd say keep searching elsewhere, but don't forget about what you found so far.

Sometimes you keep coming back to it, trying new things on it and suddenly you figure it out. Other times it turns out you were just "wasting" your time with it and what you needed was totally different. It's all part of the game. Smile

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5 years so far and only 17 people solved it. Come on guys it's not that hard! Happy
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RE: Stuck
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I bet it is because running applets in browser has become a challenge itself.

I do not understand why applets got killed by the browser vendors.

Despite the wrong implementation of security (signed apps can do everything? wtf!) they were fast and fun to code.

I'd love to continue coding applets, but the applet era is over. sadly.
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Hey, I solved it lately!
Maybe it's because it's flagges as Java challenge. But people, you don't really need much java knowledge, if you knoe programming in general...

To run the applet you can use "appletviewer", there is also a flag "-d" for debugging in jdb.
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The era of applet is over. But I am still alive and preparing a new cyber weapon. Muahahahaha!
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