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Remote_Shell on rfi live  Go to the Warchall: Live RFI challenge

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Remote_Shell on rfi live
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So I have remote shelled the RFI live server and have not gotten a password. Is that not the point or have I gone to far?
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RE: Remote_Shell on rfi live
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Then you might not doing the right thing with your reverse shell.
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RE: Remote_Shell on rfi live
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Smile well s*******.php says NOTHING HERE and index is set for page and config is GWF setup other directories are template things, could I get a small hint in the direction I need to take please
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RE: Remote_Shell on rfi live
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You have to look closer!
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Windows can be secure... but only if you don't use it Happy
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RE: Remote_Shell on rfi live
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Jesus, when you get it, you feel like a #dumbshit ;)
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