Restrict session to IP 

Evil  Go to the PHP My Admin challenge

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This challenge is evil. Found a hint but it only added to the possibilities haha
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Is there any other way than brute-force?
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Not really, but it's very obvious with the hint.
I chose a very common name, and there might be little quirk/gotcha... but many people got it straigth away.
It actually was the real setup i chose when there was a pma on this box a few months ago Smile

Happy Holidays!
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It's hard to me to guess this
subdomain name
It could be something like <-- am I correctly understand what subdomain is?

Thanks for help!
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I already gave it away above. But there is still some "gotcha".
Imagine you setup some apache vhosts Smile
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Got it! Wow, it was obvious and extremely interesting (never configured vhosts before).

Once again: thanks for help (and new portion of knowledge) man! Smile
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if you are more interested in apache config, see the tool apachectl --help

e.g. to display all vhosts: apachectl -S
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I know vhost, but have no idea
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I may be dense. I found the hint page, buddy, but not getting past it... Brute force?
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Yes, I'm dense! So many fruitless paths. Got it finally. No fun (sulk)! Okay, it was a little fun.
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