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Can you crack a code FBI can't

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Can you crack a code FBI can't ?
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Anyone ?
Last edited by alucardo - Apr 07, 2011 - 20:08:15
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RE: Can you crack a code FBI can't ?
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do you have some mail to contact the fbi? i have some ideas which i could tell 'em... just have the address but im too lazy to write some letter lol.
edit: i was clicking through the sites and got some form of the fbi:

but im not sure if it's the form to give informations about this crypto.
Last edited by Jinx - Apr 07, 2011 - 20:47:46
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RE: Can you crack a code FBI can't
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I found this regarding to the case: comment on (the comment is a quote in english)
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Can you crack a code FBI can't
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Yes, interesting theory. I've sent my ideas via the given form at their site.
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RE: Can you crack a code FBI can't
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i think its extremely abbreviated and slightly in slang, as for the numbers and dash's they must of been added later in his life once his intelligence increased.
how many children can do even slightly complex encrytion/decrytion in their heads? not very many i would say...
chmod ---x--x--x,, i'm illiterate!
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RE: Can you crack a code FBI can't
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The Kryptos mailing list has been looking at this. There's some good analysis going on there, although it has quietened down at the moment. The lack of any other examples isn't helping. The lack is also surprising given that he was meant to have done this sort of thing since being a child, so there ought to be other sample texts to analyse.
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RE: Can you crack a code FBI can't
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unless its all made up to pull in potential cryptologists for the fbi ;)
p.s. type a few lines of it into a text to speech and slow the speed abit.
chmod ---x--x--x,, i'm illiterate!
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RE: Can you crack a code FBI can't
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use link in my post above for original.
chmod ---x--x--x,, i'm illiterate!
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