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Fundraise for Black Zero

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RE: Fundraise for Black Zero
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Is anyone interested into bringing BlackZero back to live?
The domain could be
A separate server would be required to make the site revive.
We have an outdated database and code, but it's really "outdated" (1 year missing)
so there are even a few challenges missing Sad

If someone is interested into taking over this project, let us know.
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RE: Fundraise for Black Zero
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At this point, I'd say let it die. With a database that out of date, I'm thinking it isn't worth it.
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RE: Fundraise for Black Zero
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I have handed a copy of the whole database+script backup to shadum.
A few of us will try to re-install the site, for nostalgic (and yet undisclosed) reasons, on a new server.

shadum and myself have agreed to (re)hash the email+password field before we release it. However, shadum has a whole copy now, because the archive is huge and i was too lazy to re-upload and|or fix the db part.

Happy Challenging!
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RE: Fundraise for Black Zero
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I have handed another whole copy to spaceone.

I trust spaceone and he promised to play fair with the data. Maybe he can make it work soon, so we can re-host it.

@shadum and @spaceone: You might want to coordinate your work a bit, also we are thinking of SVN for blackzero.

Also, i am aware that i am putting old userdata in danger, just because i am lazy.

I am sorry for any inconvinience Smile

Happy Hacking!
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RE: Fundraise for Black Zero
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I got slammed at work so I am moving a little slow. Sorry about that.

I will contact spaceone and see what we can work out.

Also, for the record, I prefer GIT to SVN. Smile
Last edited by shadum - Dec 04, 2011 - 19:04:40
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RE: Fundraise for Black Zero
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Sounds good to me Smile

I leave it up to you two for now. Also, hacking blackzero will be a challenge, so you don't have to worry about code quality.

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RE: Fundraise for Black Zero
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shadum: I have send you an PM ;)

and for your information: space === spaceone ;)

thanx gizmore for ur trust in me ;)
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RE: Fundraise for Black Zero
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blackzero is dead...

we decided to not bring it back...
the code is the biggest crap i ever saw...
ripping off the challenges is also to much work so it is not worth it...

I am also doing a break in challenging/wechall (and GWF(?)) and also my private web-stuff...

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