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I uploaded a working version of wechall4 and like to announce the start of public beta Smile

The beta will be in 2 phases:

1) 1-3 weeks of almost empty db to find bugs early. Please go to, register and try to trigger some bugs.

2) Some more weeks with a full converted db. DB from phase 1 will get wiped.

3) Launch of wc4 with full converted db. again the previous changes get lost / wiped. I will take care of design, optimization and bugfixes in the mean time.

I hope you trigger as much functions as possible and report any error, as i did not write unit tests and probably broke something in my latest changes.

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Just first glance, logo leads to /changes.txt (which doesn't exist btw), not index.php or news/about?
Also "Language ranking" is full of sql errors and "Global" is empty. "Usergroup ranking" is 404 probably becuse there are no groups yet?
And "Your stats" don't work for me (also 404) - maybe becuse I don't have any points there yet? It'd be nice to write then "You don't owe stats yet" or something.

But I don't know, shall we report such errors or only security issues?

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There's a problem in the ranking page:

When trying to change the language, an SQL error occures:

SqlError(1051): Unknown table 'gwf_language' in Query:

SELECT DISTINCT gwf_language.* FROM wc4_wc_site JOIN wc4_language ON langid=site_language
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Small typo in the sites section: There's a dropbox "Explout" (Tools & Design) which i think should not be there.

The stats needs to be corrected (buttons, labels and the title of the graph)

Don't know whether this applies to english as well, but the creator of a chall seems to be a secret...
GeSHi`ed Plaintext code
6       Table Names von <info missing>  0       5h 25m  0 Challenge Votes       0.00    0.00    0.00    Questions

You can't see the unhighlighted source of the guestbook chall (blank page).

After solving the guesswork chall i got the congrats and this error message:
GeSHi`ed Plaintext code
PHP Warning(2):
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/gizmore/domains/ in /home/gizmore/domains/ line 203
Backtrace starts in File: /home/gizmore/domains/ line 11.
guessPWD()................ index.php Line 67 in /home/gizmore/domains/
GWF_Session::onLogin().... GWF_Session.php Line 390 in /home/gizmore/domains/
GWF_Session::setCookies(). GWF_Session.php Line 182 in /home/gizmore/domains/
GWF_Session::setCookie().. GWF_Session.php Line 203 in /home/gizmore/domains/
setcookie()............... [Unknown File] Line ? in [Unknown File].
GWF_Debug::error_handler() GWF_Debug.php Line 57 in /home/gizmore/domains/

The graph still has no data after this, also the global ranking is still empty.

In the account settings you can be born on 31st dec 2010...

Note about localization (german): You can say "you" to me... ("du" statt "Sie")
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Quote from t00l
But I don't know, shall we report such errors or only security issues?

Yes exactly those errors are what we are looking for.
Thank you all for reporting errors and trying stuff.

Just fixed:

- Global Ranking
- Lang Ranking
- Stats
- Screwsql challenge
- Explout typo in Tools&Design
- Labels in Stats
- Guesswork challenge (no autologin after challenge has been solved)
- SelfPM (you may still pm yourself tho)
- Captcha
- Module_Chat: gwf_chat is optional now
- Sourcecodes named are not shown (the current sheme is .include for challenges sourcecode. please check other challs too)

Need to fix:
- In the account settings you can be born on 31st dec 2010...

Not fixing:
- Convert/create challenge creators (will be there on full converted db)
- Broken link to changes.txt (changes.txt will be back on release)
- Order of sites in header (will be correct after full convert)
- German language - "Du" and "Sie": Lang files are for more projects, i chose the former "Sie" for all german lang files. however there could be 2 german lang branches :/
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Jul 07, 2010 - 23:15:18
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I am sorry but i had to wipe the db and reinstall the beast again.

I did a stupid mistake, changing the table prefix after an install, and everything was a nice mess in the database Smile

So i decided to re-install the whole stuff again.

I am sorry for any inconvinience.
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Found this message while linking: msg_linkmail_sent

Also found an error in logic: You can PM yourself and also ignore yourself ;-)
Funny thing is that i cannot delete this PM from my inbox...
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Thank you very much again, keep reporting.
The problems should have been fixed.
I updated the bug list somewhere in my post above Smile
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Guests have access to the add a link functionality
The captcha, it does nothing (http 500 error)
The validation does not seem to check for invalid Score or Group.

The chat does not refresh or give any other indication that your message has been sent.

The current WeChall looks much better ;)

Will look more later..
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Thank you for testing and report Smile

The captcha has been fixed.

The validation of link-score and link-group seems fine here. Score has to be >= 0 and group has to exist or may be 0.

Allowing guests to add links is a feature. It is possible to toggle that in the admin section.
In case we release it, guests would not be allowed to add links. (to mimic the old set of priviledges).

A major change in the links section is that there are no more sections yet, but instead tags.
Creating a new tag may still require a certain score, as well as adding links.

In case you register, Kender, i would like to show you the admin panel too Smile

Oh, and of course i will work on the design within the beta phase. The current wc4 design is more or less a bad temporary clone of the old design.

Edit: The GWF chat does not work on this server, because it cannot disable gzip with php_ini_set. I vote for removing the gwf chat, as it is crappy and was planned to replace the shoutbox. (But i also create a shoutbox module) Drool
Although the chat module will wrap the mibbit irc chat and stay in the menu. (fixed that now)

The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Jul 07, 2010 - 21:19:34
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