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Comments on BrainQuest

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RE: Comments on BrainQuest
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I'm very happy to hear that. Are you going to translate it per section, or is all ready in a month?
Cause I really don't understand F.E. Orbis Numerus Smile. Good luck.

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RE: Comments on BrainQuest
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i will translate it per section but release will be after complete translation, all in one month .. that is a plan .. will see soon if my estimation was realistic, however i have some people which promised to help me with translation
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BrainQuest with english language
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I'm happy to announce that new version of was just released. Main change is translation to English language. Unfortunately it is not complete translation however for start I think that 80% of translated riddles is not bad. The other 20% will be translated soon. I'm sure that there will be a lot of mistakes but also I'm sure that they can be fixed ad-hoc. I'm glad to see all of you people which was not able to use this site before. Because of huge change on the site if you will find anything broken or not working let me know, I will try to fix is asap.
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RE: Comments on BrainQuest
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I'm really enjoying BrainQuest. ('Orbis pictus' is surprisingly addictive. Smile ) Just thought I'd let you know.
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RE: Comments on BrainQuest
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I also think brainquest is a nice site.
Impressive that it got translated to english quite a lot.

I guess we need multi-lang bits on wechall, as a few sites cover multiple languages now :S
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RE: Comments on BrainQuest
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Quote from shadum
I'm really enjoying BrainQuest. ('Orbis pictus' is surprisingly addictive. Smile ) Just thought I'd let you know.

Indeed. Let's hope there will be much more new challenges and translations soon. Almost every section is very nice.

Dartagnan, keep up the good job.
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Halloween party on BrainQuest
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Hi all,

I would like to invite you on the Halloween party on
Couple of scary riddles is waiting to be solved.
Also there is a competition and you can win the game.

Monsters are everywhere so come on and join the party ;)
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New Adventure Annus Mirabilis
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New Adventure containing 14 riddles was just released.
In the footprints of Albert Einstein you will try to find his lost invention.
Let's explore the Annus Mirabilis.
All texts in this adventure was translated by professional agency.
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Halloween party 2012 on BQ
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Second official halloween party has just started on
24 new riddles and even not all of them are already translated to English (will be soon), all of you has a same chance to win one (or more, there are 4 pc games waiting for giveaway). This year you can win Plants vs Zombies, Trine, Overlord and Magicka ! Come and enjoy the Haloween.
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