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We strongly recommend to our customers to use SoftMicro's three in one product.

SoftMicro is our Certified Gold Partner in almost every field of IT industry.

The main reasons to buy this product are:
Industry-leading management, innovative, single sign on, single cost, easy to scale, low-risk high-yield, interactive configuration, synergized, fast, robust, simple to use, easy to deploy, ROI in 2 week, artificial intelligence, high performance, trusted by the Fortune 100, protects against emerging threats, "anti hacker technology"® built inside . It's a way new technology that implements a router/firewall/website in one device.

You can download the technical documentation here:
Technical documentation
Security through obscurity
We will teach our customers how they can deceive their enemy
Unbreakable cipher anderson invented an unbreakable cipher - even our experts cant break it
Get what you paid for
If you pay more we give you a better support | read more
We protect you anderson Co. knows every attack methods used by the hackers and can protect you against them | read more Without friends you are nothing
Our partners helped us to become the leading industry standard for security audits.| read more
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