Fun Challenges
Score Title Author Solvers Age Votes Difficulty Education Fun Forums
4 Trivia by Z and Gizmore 801 16y 77d 95Challenge Votes 5.24 6.34 7.18 Questions
7 Snake by Gizmore and lazer 46 14y 23d 14Challenge Votes 5.64 6.14 8.71 Questions
2 Shadowlamb - Chapter I by Gizmore 378 13y 50d 70Challenge Votes 2.73 2.56 7.09 Questions
3 Shadowlamb - Chapter II by Gizmore 91 12y 279d 23Challenge Votes 4.39 4.04 7.74 Questions
4 Shadowlamb - Chapter III by Gizmore 46 12y 254d 11Challenge Votes 3.82 1.36 8.36 Questions
5 Shadowlamb - Chapter IV by Gizmore 31 12y 32d 10Challenge Votes 4.50 2.80 5.30 Questions
2 Interesting by Gizmore 241 10y 153d 30Challenge Votes 3.30 4.30 6.43 Questions
2 Wanda by Gizmore 74 7y 335d 19Challenge Votes 4.89 4.05 5.63 Questions
3 Rubik's Cube by space 27 5y 338d 11Challenge Votes 5.09 4.09 6.36 Questions
2 IRC: Duckhunt by gizmore 33 2y 122d 9Challenge Votes 1.78 1.78 8.89 Questions