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Challenge broken?  Go to the Shadowlamb - Chapter II challenge

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Challenge broken?
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I've succesfully finished the mission and got the message and the flag. The problem is that it doesn't accept my flag.

I've submited it with both uppercase and lowercase letters in the following format: user{14}:16charsLengthFlag


EDIT: Solved, wrong info sent.
Last edited by Dragos - May 12, 2014 - 00:44:49
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RE: Challenge broken?
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I don't understand either how to submit the solution?

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#talk crypto
<space> #talk crypto
-Lamb3- Tom says: "I wrote down some message and cannot decipher it myself again -.- Please tell me the password with #talk crypto <password>."
-Lamb3- Tom says: "********."
<space> #talk crypto *******************
-Lamb3- Tom says: "Let me try it ... Oh gosh ... It works! Thank you so much ... Take this:"
-Lamb3- Tom hands you 300.00¥.
-Lamb3- You have learned a new knowledge: crypto.
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RE: Challenge broken?
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Don't you need the solution first? ;)
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