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unread posts
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Is there a page where I can list all my unread posts in one place? Up to nearly 400, would be nice to just list them all and pick and choose......
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RE: unread posts
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You can click the "bell icon" to list all your unread threads... might be broken
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: unread posts
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ah yeah, 20 pages
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RE: unread posts
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Maybe a good idea is to sort the unread threads by forum board.
I will add it to todo :/
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: unread posts
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When you view all posts, you get two titles: the title of the board and the name of the thread. So, for example: 'Solution: Impossible n'est pas français' and
'Arthur est un perroquet Happy'. However, when you view your unread post, you only get the name of the thread 'Arthur est un perroquet Happy'. Is it possible to have both titles, please?

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RE: unread posts
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Quote from smutley
May 31, 2011 - 09:29:09
... Is it possible to have both titles, please?

Good idea. I second that request.
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RE: unread posts
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This feature request got implemented in the new WC5 code, coming this summer to an internet near you.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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