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Who are you?
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If you want to introduce yourself, please do so here.

If you like answer these questions:

1) What is your favorite meal?

2) If you could forbid one thing on earth, what would it be?

Correct answers only!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Who are you?
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Hey gizmore, I'm dangarbri

I like listening to creepypastas, scary stories, and things about the supernatural yet I am a scathing skeptic. I would happily hang out in a "genuine haunted house" to try to prove it's not haunted, but nothing ever spooky happens to me so I continue to be a skeptic.

My very first experience with these kinds of challenges was overthewire and I don't remember how I found that. I think I found this site since they have a link to this page. That's when I joined over a year ago, but I never participated in this forum part (and didn't do many challenges either).

My favorite food is chicken wings, my favorite meal is spaghetti & meatballs (with a very specific meatball recipe).

I'm going to liberally interpret the question, but if I could forbid one thing on earth, it would be greed.
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RE: Who are you?
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Hey! I'm illu

Started my journey not so long ago. Learning the basics at OverTheWire.
Got interested in these things after moving from VSCode to neovim as my editor.

Still getting used to it, but having a lot of fun!

I like pizza and tuna a lot. Whether on the pizza or in a salad, or pasta, I will put it where I think I could enjoy it.

Hope to have a great time here and a couple nice chats!
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RE: Who are you?
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Nice to meet you illu! I did the reverse, I went from vim + plugins to vscode.
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RE: Who are you?
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Hi All,
My favourite meal is maybe french fries and mussels, wich might be considered as one of our national dishes here (who had the stupid idea to call it "french" fries anyway? :+D)

I started my challenging journey I don't know how many years ago, with Mala+ and brightshadow sites. Then I stumbled upon wechall and I gave myself the objective to reach top 100 (done Happy)
I alternate between intense challenging periods and long periods of hibernation

I've a list of things I would forbid on earth and beyond, I don't know even where to start...
tunelko, quangntenemy, TheHiveMind, Z, balicocat, Ge0, samuraiblanco, arraez, jcquinterov, hophuocthinh, alfamen2, burhanudinn123, Ben_Dover, stephanduran89, braddie0, SwolloW, dangarbri, kalungmas have subscribed to this thread and receive emails on new posts.
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