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Is this challenge still actual?  Go to the Anderson Application Auditing challenge

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Is this challenge still actual?
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is this challenge still actual? I am trying to perform nmap on selected network, but there are no hosts up....
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RE: Is this challenge still actual?
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There are no actual networks or systems in place. This is a simulation.
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RE: Is this challenge still actual?
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yes I know, that this is only simulation, but should not be there some lab or virtual network where I could hijack the communication???
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RE: Is this challenge still actual?
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It's not real and it's not a simulation. With "simulation" I mean that there aren't actual servers/networks with real services and you don't have to really hijack some communications.

Explore the site that you are given.
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RE: Is this challenge still actual?
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Yes, I have explore it and found informations about firewall, server and router and next.... but what else should I do?
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RE: Is this challenge still actual?
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Either find more or apply what you've found.
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