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This new ranking only sums active sites. It has a reduced functionality at the moment, for example no correct highlighting, and no profile or other pages link here.
# Username Score Progress
5101 __Unknown Country Cagliostro 2781
5102 Netherlands, The VDM 2780
5103 Hungary exactlee 2775
5104 __Unknown Country jhalenx 2771
5105 __Unknown Country horror_vacui 2769
5106 __Unknown Country MAJ 2768
5107 Italy nexsouls 2768
5108 Brazil larissabraz 2768
5109 __Unknown Country canic 2763
5110 __Unknown Country qbao 2761
5111 __Unknown Country ccbaby 2760
5112 Colombia camiloco1209 2758
5113 Singapore r00tz 2754
5114 Austria ronin 2754
5115 __Unknown Country inv 2753
5116 France GaSh 2751
5117 __Unknown Country Gortex 2751
5118 __Unknown Country windhund 2751
5119 __Unknown Country Zuly 2749
5120 __Unknown Country Pow3rCut 2747
5121 __Unknown Country kabelsalat 2747
5122 __Unknown Country RExVuz 2742
5123 __Unknown Country noamyoungerm 2742
5124 __Unknown Country mirrorshades 2740
5125 Romania optimuserik 2737
5126 __Unknown Country VorpalElf 2737
5127 __Unknown Country wnttbtcntchs 2736
5128 __Unknown Country doubler 2735
5129 __Unknown Country Xyct 2735
5130 __Unknown Country archerop 2735
5131 __Unknown Country p4cketloss 2733
5132 __Unknown Country OreoWaffles 2733
5133 Colombia dospina 2732
5134 __Unknown Country BlueWaffle 2732
5135 __Unknown Country klx 2729
5136 __Unknown Country jossh 2729
5137 __Unknown Country MrQubo 2727
5138 Germany mindsolve 2726
5139 Korea, Republic Of justd0it 2724
5140 __Unknown Country Gadgetphile 2723
5141 __Unknown Country peta-8-bit 2723
5142 __Unknown Country tashido 2722
5143 __Unknown Country Thanat0s 2722
5144 Italy DAnte 2722
5145 __Unknown Country coffee 2722
5146 __Unknown Country test12345 2722
5147 __Unknown Country jpzavodny 2722
5148 __Unknown Country gnvnix 2722
5149 __Unknown Country Codeblue 2722
5150 __Unknown Country mmacvicar 2722
How scoring works on WeChall