I am happy to anounce that www.yashira.org joined our small network.
It is a spanish site, which has an initial signup challenge.
Many thanks go out to PescaoDeth for implementing the needed scripts,
as well as HaDeS for the proposal
Kind Regards and
Happy Challenging
I uploaded the new design branch i was working on lately.
it is a good idea to clear your browsers cache, and press refresh as well
Major changes are:
-Preview for writing messages.
-Detailed site ranking.
-Sites and Challs are sortable now.
-Better and more valid html/css
Happy Challenging
Well, we have another challenge site added.
Lost-Chall, a challenge site themed around the TV show LOST.
It currently has 62 challenges of mostly beginner level.
I also tweaked a few look & feel things that annoyed me.
And there's now a temporary new logo until we find something better
While Gizmore has started work on a new design, I have added a few minor things.
Of course you've noticed that DareYourMind has joined WeChall, welcome to the club
I have also added a country-ranking. You can find it with a button at the ranking page.
Go get your country to the top of the list, or become the best of your country!
Another addition is that when you view someone's profile, there is a graph comparing their score to your own.
Keep those suggestions coming in the forum. I can't promise we'll implement everything, but we do like to improve the site based on your comments.
I am happy to announce a new challenge site is working with wechall.
It is a french site which looks very attractive. thanks go out to S0410N3.
Edit: Currently we still have some email problems.
If you dont get a mail, please write a mail by hand to [email]support@wechall.net. Please note your problem (register/linking) and we will take action.
Also keep in mind to check your spam-boxes
There is a news system up now,
which will inform you about important things on WeChall.
Planed is also a newsletter, to inform you when a new site joined us, or similar.
Due changes in css the banner might look screwed.
Clear your browsers cache to fix that for you.