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Dec 01, 2014 - 20:06

Mod-X joined

We are happy to announce…

The sites on Mod-X are now ranked and linkeable.
In total, three sites/projects are supported and maintained by Wang and
we hope you will welcome the addition.
To those who do not know the projects yet; It´s worth to check them out.

At least Mod-X, and i think the others too, have some nice theme and story setup,
and each site offers around 10 levels with linear access.

Now i want to simply quote, what wang has to say about Mod-X and co.

Quote from Wang

The Mod-X challenge was formed around 2001 when the Cyberarmy "Zebulun"
challenges were in their prime. Zebulun was the first online
security/hacking challenge I had played and I was fascinated by both the
challenges (they were educational but not boring because they had a sense
of storyline/mystery) and the sense of community that formed around the
challenges and within the forums/irc channels.Through Cyberarmy I also
learned about and started playing the challenges there too -
the challenges were very different to Zebulun and often harder, but just as
much fun

At the time, I had just begun working as a web developer and I was looking
for side projects to help me learn more ASP/Perl/PHP/SQL. I thought that
creating my own challenge site would be a great project to learn both
scripting and how to secure a web site. Mod-X was born with 2 levels
available to play and originally it was written in ASP with a Microsoft
Access database backend (ouch). Over the years the site was redesigned and
rewritten a number of times and it changed hosting provider several
times...but I always tried to keep it alive and relevant. The site gained a
lot of popularity and at times it felt like a full time job to keep the
site up and running with fresh challenges and new features - but I loved
every moment of it Last I checked, we'd seen around 60,000+ player
accounts registered at Mod-X.

Over the years, I found that Mod-X's approach to challenges (level based
with each challenge being harder than the last) led to a problem as it
meant that it was increasingly difficult for me to provide new challenges
for our players (each challenge requiring more investment from me than the
last). I wanted a way to provide players with more frequent challenges of
varying difficulties and to allow players to play the challenges in any
order than they liked. This led to the creation of the Omega Project (named
after my beautiful wife, Omegataurus, whom I met through Cyberarmy!) which
is currently a set of 7 challenges within Mod-X that have their own
rankings independent of the main Mod-X challenges.

Also, at some point (around 2001/2002) the site went down and
I was really sad to see it go (it felt like a piece of history had
disappeared). I had a good line of communication with Disavowed and I asked
if it would be possible for Mod-X to host the challenges
within Mod-X for our players to enjoy. Disavowed graciously agreed and in
December of 2003 the challenges were brought online within
Mod-X. They are still available for players to play today.

I can say with all honesty that Mod-X has been 100% life changing for me. I
would not be the person that I am today without Mod-X and challenge sites
like Cyberarmy's Zebulun and They have had a profound impact
on my personal and professional life, and while I don't always have as much
time to work on Mod-X as I used to...I am very happy that it's still up and
that people still want to play it. Thank you!

Thank you Wang and encse for making this possible!

Of course, we all wish you…
Happy Challenging!
Dec 07, 2014 - 09:27:16
encse at csokavar[dot]hu
It's good to see one of the first sites here. I'm sure lots of wechallengers encountered it some time ago.
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