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Dec 27, 2010 - 23:06

SPOJ joined

I am happy to announce...
... that Santa got another late gift for us.

SPOJ (SPhere Online Judge) implemented the wechall scripts, and joined our network.

SPOJ differs from other participating sites, as you have to submit your code and it gets executed and tested for correctness on their servers.
You are offered 1995 programming challenges whereas 44 programming languages are currently supported.
It is available in 4 human languages: english, Polish, Brazilan/Portuguese and Viatnamese, but i sticked with the english for my first impression.

Many thanks go out to kopringo for implementing the needed scripts, and of course to the whole staff over at SPOJ.

You might wonder about the high score of SPOJ here. The current algorithms reflect the huge number of challenges this way, and we will see how well it works.

What now is left to say is
Merry Happy Challenging!

EDIT: Here is some explaination of the scoring on SPOJ itself:
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