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CGX#14: Cracking Intro - Amaze Us (Training, CGX, Cracking)

CGX#14: Amaze Me by bb
Dear fellow Hackers,

This time we will crack a windows application, which was specially crafted to be simple, yet amazing.
We will explore the x64debug debugger.
There is a little training challenge waiting for you, which we will dicuss in the video.
Please note that the crackit is written and copyrighted by bb from TBS.

- gizmore, x and DejaVu
Problem CGX#14
This lesson has an interactive problem:

Please download the application and crack it.

The problem is randomly generated and is bound to your session.

Good Luck!
The WeChall Team
Your solution for CGX#14: Cracking Intro - Amaze Us
# CGX#14: Cracking Intro - Amaze Us

This time we will dive into a small windows application to get you started with cracking.
We are using x64debug and analyze the crackit "Amaze Me" from bb on TBS.
You will also get a small introduction to the CPU and stuff.

Table of contents:

- Registers
- Disassembly
- Memory Dump
- Jumps
- Comparisons
- More

(c) 2000-2023 bb