Restrict session to IP 
Questions  |  score: 6  |  6.30 8.70 9.13 |  Solved By 218 People  |  74233 views  |  since May 03, 2008 - 00:11:14

Anderson Application Auditing (Exploit, Storyline, Realistic, Crypto)

You are in the role of a secret hacker. As always.
Your next job is the following:

VSA (Very Secret Agency) has followed very strict security policies for years, it is almost impossible to break into their network.
Unfortunately, that's what your boss wants from you.
After some social engineering you gathered, that VSA wants to order some simple programs from SoftMicro software development corporation.
SoftMicro is the old partner for VSA, and he has implemented lots of backdoors for a commercial operating system named "Doors" for VSA.
SoftMicro's software is usually crappy, but their network is very well defended - thanks to the very often attacks against SoftMicro's network.
But VSA doesn't accept any code from SoftMicro directly, because they hired a well known company named Anderson to audit every piece of code that are used at VSA.
Your plan is to hijack the communication between Anderson and SoftMicro, so you can analyse the program, and after Anderson audited the program, you will hijack the traffic between Anderson and VSA, exchange the program with your evil one, and the job is done.

The plan is great, but maybe not everything goes as planned...

Your first task is to hijack the communication between Anderson's and SoftMicro's network.

Here is the information you have already gathered:
The SoftMicro's network is
Your public IP is

Anderson's main page is Anderson

As you make progress on the challenge, you will get six pieces of a secret code, which is the proof that you have solved the challenge.
So, don't forget to write down those secret code pieces.
Thanks go out to TheHiveMind and Chaosdreamer for beta-testing the challenge.
Your solution for Anderson Application Auditing
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