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Exploit ranking
The best players in the category Exploit.
Note that here all sites that have some Exploit challenges sum up, so it it not very representative.
# Username Score Progress
7001 __Unknown Country unixed 1479
7002 Ukraine babaika 1478
7003 Colombia Sharkwhite21 1476
7004 __Unknown Country Oxfordlu 1473
7005 __Unknown Country sant016 1472
7006 __Unknown Country Zasshale 1472
7007 __Unknown Country Jrpeg 1472
7008 Bangladesh silenttrack 1470
7009 __Unknown Country excreamd 1470
7010 __Unknown Country Gurkenhexler456 1470
7011 Colombia k4dm3l 1467
7012 __Unknown Country elephantbenjamin 1462
7013 __Unknown Country iwillnotforgetmyusername 1460
7014 __Unknown Country Drakehinst 1460
7015 __Unknown Country ehcsyl 1460
7016 __Unknown Country slamsang 1460
7017 __Unknown Country desencrypt 1460
7018 Hungary Jedwarsh 1460
7019 __Unknown Country maxorq 1459
7020 Brazil alb 1456
7021 __Unknown Country jokeiz 1452
7022 __Unknown Country ZoOOo4 1451
7023 Colombia TuxBurn 1450
7024 __Unknown Country rts32 1450
7025 Denmark SK2073 1449
7026 __Unknown Country ik1t0 1448
7027 Italy matcom 1448
7028 __Unknown Country CorSecc0 1448
7029 __Unknown Country Morton 1448
7030 __Unknown Country tengo 1447
7031 __Unknown Country lalalander 1445
7032 __Unknown Country TunaInBeta 1442
7033 Indonesia microbl4st 1442
7034 __Unknown Country Rave1996 1438
7035 Australia evilhomer111 1437
7036 __Unknown Country rofex 1437
7037 __Unknown Country AnimaMundi 1437
7038 __Unknown Country samsquantch 1437
7039 Poland kamil 1435
7040 __Unknown Country ezflame 1435
7041 __Unknown Country ch4rli3kop 1432
7042 France Gu1ll4um3r0m41n 1430
7043 __Unknown Country Tishrom 1430
7044 China wangxuehe 1429
7045 __Unknown Country xan_kriegor 1428
7046 __Unknown Country isaaccade 1426
7047 __Unknown Country Daras 1424
7048 __Unknown Country Lx9 1422
7049 __Unknown Country zz2gg 1422
7050 __Unknown Country R4kk00n 1419
How scoring works on WeChall