All sites listed on WeChall
ID |
Language |
Site |
Users |
Challs |
Average |
Dif |
Fun |
Description |
| 55 | French |  ![The Right-Answer Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/55?14) | Right-Answer | | | | 39.29% | 53.12% | This website want to make you think and learn in several chall spread over several categories such as logic,... |
| 72 | English |  ![The No Such Con 2013 Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/72?2) | No Such Con 2013 | 0 | 0 | 0.00% | 50.00% | 50.00% | The HES/NSC 2013 challenges. Still available thanks to Steven from! |
| 97 | French |  ![The Énigmes À Thématiques Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/97?1) | Énigmes À Thématiques | 2085 | 5825 | 2.35% | 50.00% | 50.00% | Énigmes À Thématiques, c'est une nouvelle énigme inédite qui sort chaque jour dans des domaines aussi variés que... |
| 101 | French |  ![The PyDéfis Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/101?1) | PyDéfis | 4328 | 285 | 36.69% | 50.00% | 100.00% | PyDéfis offers you small programming challenges (algorithms, computer science, graph theory, recursion, ...) in the... |
| 1 | English |  ![The WeChall Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/1?0) | WeChall | 69015 | 188 | 2.40% | 80.77% | 79.69% | WeChall is aiming to make a global ranking of challengers over multiple sites.
It launched in january of 2008. |
| 9 | German |  ![The Happy-Security Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/9?0) | Happy-Security | | | | 63.33% | 66.07% | Happy-Security is a german challenge site. {also translated in english}
Beside the 'normal' challenge sections, there... |
| 23 | German |  ![The MiBs Challenges Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/23?0) | MiBs Challenges | | | | 65.91% | 73.22% | MiBs Challenges is a German riddle site started in 2005 with over 150 challenges in 9 categories including math,... |
| 29 | English |  ![The Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/29?0) | | | | | 50.00% | 50.00% | is currently under maintainance. Hopefully they will be back soon and support wechall script interaction |
| 31 | English |  ![The Hellbound Hackers Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/31?0) | Hellbound Hackers | | | | 50.00% | 50.00% | HellBoundHackers is a completely legal, web-based security training ground. They offer challenges that teach you how... |
| 41 | German |  ![The Notpron Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/41?0) | Notpron | | | | 50.00% | 50.00% | Notpron - "The hardest riddle available on the Internet" - Is a linear challenge without ranking. It has around 13 tough... |
| 61 | English |  ![The RedTigers Hackit Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/61?1) | RedTigers Hackit | -1 | 10 | 48.33% | 75.00% | 95.00% | 10 SQL Injection challenges. After the final level you can put yourself into the hall of fame. No registration possible. |
| 66 | German |  ![The Hacking-Challenges Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/66?1) | Hacking-Challenges | 1343 | 145 | 27.95% | 41.67% | 90.00% | Hacking-Challenges is a german challenge site.
In challenges from 8 categories, for example javascript, cryptography,... |
| 92 | English |  ![The try to decrypt Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/92?1) | try to decrypt | 1354 | 23 | 41.67% | 87.50% | 100.00% | Little game to train your brain - try to decrypt some texts in different levels from easy to hard. Can you enter the... |
| 95 | English |  ![The MysteryTwister Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/95?2) | MysteryTwister | 13054 | 372 | 0.49% | 50.00% | 50.00% | MysteryTwister (MTC3)
This time we are really happy to announce...
that experts in the... |
| 106 | German |  ![The Hack The Web Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/106?1) | Hack The Web | 52586 | 111 | 68.15% | 50.00% | 50.00% | On Hack The Web, you'll find a playful introduction to the world of hacking. In a variety of challenges, you can put... |
| 85 | English |  ![The RingZer0 Team Online CTF Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/85?1) | RingZer0 Team Online CTF | 51327 | 396 | 5.60% | 100.00% | 100.00% | RingZer0 Team's online CTF offers you tons of challenges designed to test and improve your hacking skills through... |
| 73 | English |  ![The Tasteless Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/73?2) | Tasteless | | | | 100.00% | 100.00% | Tasteless challenges, several levels that will test you in security and logical thinking |
| 2 | English |  ![The HackQuest Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/2?0) | HackQuest | | | | 70.59% | 76.39% | Hackquest offers challenges from all kind of computer-sections The site keeps track of a users spent time on a... |
| 16 | English |  ![The Net-Force Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/16?0) | Net-Force | 39259 | 95 | 30.76% | 65.00% | 70.24% | Net-Force has been around since 2002, starting off as a Dutch website. The site is now only in English and has a diverse... |
| 38 | English |  ![The Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/38?0) | | | | | 58.33% | 68.75% | Another english site |
| 42 | English |  ![The THC Hack Challenges Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/42?0) | THC Hack Challenges | | | | 50.00% | 25.00% | THC is a hack challenge and tournament site for newbies and more advanced hackers. You start off with the easier... |
| 44 | English |  ![The CryptoLib Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/44?1) | CryptoLib | | | | 50.00% | 50.00% | CryptoLib is a challenge site focused on cryptography only. It currently offers 11 crypto challs which seem quite... |
| 98 | English |  ![The 247CTF Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/98?6) | 247CTF | 22258 | 72 | 10.74% | 87.50% | 100.00% | 247CTF is a security environment where hackers can test their abilities across a number of different challenge... |
| 87 | English |  ![The Hacker Gateway Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/87?1) | Hacker Gateway | | | | 50.00% | 62.50% | The go-to place for hackers who want to put their skills to the test. |
| 40 | Spanish |  ![The World of Wargame Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/40?6) | World of Wargame | 2707 | 101 | 19.89% | 50.00% | 75.00% | World of Wargame is a challenge site running from 2009 with more than a hundred challenges varying from easy to medium... |
| 84 | English |  ![The Challengeland Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/84?1) | Challengeland | | | | 50.00% | 50.00% | Challengeland is a site of war games to learn and improve your hacking skills created by Redexel and Germanlm93 |
| 21 | English |  ![The TryThis0ne Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/21?0) | TryThis0ne | 13443 | 72 | 16.75% | 45.00% | 50.00% | Trythis0ne is a system of Hacking\Reversing\Encryption etc' challenges.
Every challenge challenge the user in different... |
| 102 | English |  ![The PromptRiddle Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/102?5) | PromptRiddle | 3153 | 59 | 26.12% | 68.75% | 75.00% | PromptRiddle is a fun prompt-based riddle website which requires thinking outside the box along with... |
| 12 | English |  ![The LOST-Chall Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/12?0) | LOST-Chall | | | | 63.04% | 66.31% | A site based on the TV show Lost. Challenges range from easy to hard. Non-Lost fans will find this enjoyable too! |
| 39 | English |  ![The Astalavista Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/39?0) | Astalavista | | | | 65.62% | 72.73% | - Home of the fiendish challenges |
| 75 | Greek |  ![The Mathchall Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/75?1) | Mathchall | | | | 50.00% | 50.00% | Mathchall is requiring the mind to use pure intelligence in the attainment of pure truth. ---Now you can maximize you... |
| 4 | English |  ![The Rankk Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/4?0) | Rankk | 9992 | 353 | 11.90% | 80.77% | 75.89% | Rankk's challenges are organised into levels from easy to difficult. The challenges are based on topics ranging from... |
| 26 | English |  ![The thebackupbox Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/26?0) | thebackupbox | | | | 72.92% | 79.69% | Shell challenges. |
| 36 | English |  ![The RoseCode Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/36?9) | RoseCode | | | | 53.57% | 71.43% | This site publishes mostly math based programming challenges. Other topics include Crypto, Brainfck, Hacking, and... |
| 103 | English |  ![The PWN.TN Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/103?1) | PWN.TN | 1920 | 28 | 18.00% | 50.00% | 50.00% | PWN.TN is an educational and non commercial wargame.
There is various IT security related challenges for fun and... |
| 59 | English |  ![The thebackupbox Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/59?3) | thebackupbox | | | | 87.50% | 100.00% | Your description is invalid. It has to be 12-4096 characters long. |
| 93 | English |  ![The CTFS.ME Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/93?1) | CTFS.ME | | | | 50.00% | 50.00% | is a place where you can learn about various category of hacking everytime and get you skill increased. |
| 96 | English |  ![The LordofSQLi Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/96?4) | LordofSQLi | 17500 | 49 | 39.64% | 75.00% | 100.00% | LoS provides 49 stepwise SQLinjection challenges.
Challenges are about SQLinjection at mysql, sqlite, mssql, mongodb,... |
| 51 | Korean |  ![The Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/51?2) | | 69972 | 80 | 20.32% | 70.00% | 83.33% | has 80 challenges about webhacking.
You can try various SQL INJECTION problem. |
| 54 | Korean |  ![The Hack-Me Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/54?2) | Hack-Me | | | | 75.00% | 75.00% | Hack-Me is one of the best challenge site in south korea, launched in this month. The challenges cover a wide range of... |
| 56 | Korean |  ![The Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/56?5) | | | | | 75.00% | 75.00% | this `` has challenges for web, system, reversing, etc.. i will trying to add more challenges, have a lotta... |
| 60 | English |  ![The Reversing.Kr Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/60?1) | Reversing.Kr | 35152 | 27 | 53.33% | 50.00% | 50.00% | This site tests your ability to Cracking & RCE (Reverse Code Engineering). |
| 62 | Korean |  ![The SuNiNaTaS Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/62?2) | SuNiNaTaS | 16441 | 32 | 49.18% | 37.50% | 100.00% | SuNiNaTaS have 15 games : Web(8), Cracking(4), Forensic(3)
Skill level is medium.
We are good hackers. |
| 77 | Korean |  ![The Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/77?9) | | | | | 50.00% | 50.00% | This website provides various challenges that require computer hacking skills to solve. To solve a challenge, you'll... |
| 81 | English |  ![The Stereotyped Challenges Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/81?9) | Stereotyped Challenges | | | | 50.00% | 100.00% | "Stereotyped Challenges" provides advanced web-based security challenges that guides you to the latest trend of web... |
| 83 | English |  ![The Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/83?1) | | 69060 | 70 | 5.95% | 87.50% | 100.00% | '' is a non-commercial [i]wargame site[/i] which provides various pwn challenges regarding system... |
| 86 | English |  ![The SolveMe Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/86?7) | SolveMe | | | | 50.00% | 50.00% | I closed this wargame. |
| 88 | Korean |  ![The Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/88?1) | | | | | 50.00% | 50.00% | is a wargame site where you can practice a variety of hacking techniques related to information security in... |
| 94 | English |  ![The CanHackMe Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/94?3) | CanHackMe | | | | 75.00% | 100.00% | Have fun challenges! |
| 89 | English |  ![The Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/89?1) | | 34919 | 46 | 18.18% | 100.00% | 100.00% | is a wargame site for hackers to test and expand their binary exploiting skills. |
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