The old hoster has fusioned with another hoster, and there is a complete mess now in their datacenters.
We took the oportunity, and moved wechall to my cheap vserver and also released WeChall4.
I installed latest WeChall4 + a database backup that is around 7 days old.
In case we get access to the old server any soon, i might re-install with a more recent database.,
It might be possible that your account got lost, or other changes / updates you made in the last 7 days
We are very sorry for that inconvinience, but hey, we are back ;)
WeChall4 was not really ready for a realease, but i hope we will find all the new bugs sooner or later

For some changelog, please look into the forum, there is some post about major changes.
Please report any error you encounter, i think there are still plenty.
All in all I hope you like the new site, and get familiar with the new look&feel soon.
Happy Challenging!