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WeChall v4

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RE: WeChall v4
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Quote from phoenix1204
Aug 30, 2010 - 12:00:28
just get 14.08% (4334 points) for my last solved challenge !! 2 more challenges and i'm over 100% solved ;-)

Same here, but only for the first validation, thankfully (or not ?) :
August 29, 2010 - 13:16:54 gained 12.21% (3173 points) on WeChall.
August 29, 2010 - 14:29:16 gained 1.88% (542 points) on WeChall.
August 29, 2010 - 18:42:00 gained 1.88% (557 points) on WeChall.
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RE: WeChall v4
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Quote from criple_ripper
Aug 30, 2010 - 12:48:53

at least you can see a "Mark as read" button..There isn't anything like that for me so all news remain uread..

I don't see the "Mark as Read" button either, but I'm pretty sure I've seen it at least once since the new site came online. I'm not sure what happened. Possibly the issue is related to 'sticky' news posts as suggested by monnino, if I read it right.

-- edit

Ok. A new "News" post came up and it had a "Mark as Read" link associated with it. I clicked the link and the one post was properly marked as read but there is still one "Unread" post that I can do nothing about.

-- edit
Last edited by shadum - Aug 30, 2010 - 16:38:54
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RE: WeChall v4
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I didnt get points at all for solving the last Challenge, although its marked as solved
Posted error message in Snake solution thread.

EDIT: The [spoiler] BBcode tag doesnt work
Last edited by livinskull - Aug 30, 2010 - 18:05:30
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RE: WeChall v4
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Another issue that's been around for a while and that's not due to the v4 update: It's possible to get more than 100% on Newbie Contest. The solution is to use the number of challenges solved instead of the number of points (which changes everyday) for the percentage calculations.
The side effect of this is that older users have an unfair advantage and never update their scores (even if they solve a few challenges, after a while their percentage would still drop down should they try to update it).

As far as the update is concerned, I like it much better! I didn't notice anything other than the issues already posted and the fact that many things aren't translated yet, but I'm sure that's not top priority for now.
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RE: WeChall v4
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I found something strange while solving a challenge on TheBlackSheep O.o'

GeSHi`ed php code
PHP Warning(2):
require_once(inc/util/WC_RegAt.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/wechall/www/wc4/inc/util/_gwf_utility.php line 4
Backtrace starts in File: /home/wechall/www/wc4/remoteupdate.php line 31.
__autoload().............. _gwf_utility.php Line 4 in /home/wechall/www/wc4/inc/util/_gwf_utility.php.
__autoload().............. _gwf_utility.php Line 4 in /home/wechall/www/wc4/inc/util/_gwf_utility.php.GWF_Debug::error_handler() GWF_Debug.php Line 59 in /home/wechall/www/wc4/inc/util/GWF_Debug.php.

It's even more strange since I solved a challenge on the same site just an hour or so before this one, but I had no problem with it. O.o'
Edit: I noticed that the two challenges aren't listed in the "latest activities" in the account section here on WeChall, although updating manually the site works.
Last edited by monnino - Aug 30, 2010 - 21:00:48
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RE: WeChall v4
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Quote from phoenix1204

When i re-validate the wechall challenges i solved some days ago (after database backup), i sometimes got something like that in french (despite i set english as primary language in my profile...) "Your answer is correct but nothing change" as if i already solved this challenge

This was a quite funny bug.
Looking at a challenge was treated as you already solved it.
I will update all wechall users in a bit, then the wechall scores should be correct again.

Quote from shadum

When browsing the site I've noticed that some usernames and some sitenames are bold face and others aren't.

Bold links are unvisited. Normal links are visited.
This is kinda problem for the ajax stuff, as you might not be able to mark links as visited. (Not sure about that yet)

Quote from shadum

Hmmm.... that's odd. I didn't really expect to see my comment inside the quote. Everything from "I think I'm seeing..." on is outside the BBCode end quote marker but it isn't displaying that way.

This is a serious bug in my BB_Decoder. It gets confused with the News(1) when you use the bbstyle brackets.
I will try to rewrite the decoder today.

Quote from monnino

Mmm, I clicked on "Mark as read" on the news but on the upper interface it still lists an unread news (News). I think that's related to the news about site completition, which remains visible.

Yes, this news item that you cannot mark unread is for the site-masters.
I removed the (1) from the menu, but you can still not mark the site master news as read.
It is a rare event, and site-masters deserve a static entry (for 1 week)

Quote from BAAL

Another issue that's been around for a while and that's not due to the v4 update: It's possible to get more than 100% on Newbie Contest.

In wechall4, the percentages are clamped between 0%-100%. I think that solves the issue, maybe some outdated percentages are still around.

I tried to solve all bugs in this thread and those i received via PM (and i think i did).
Thanks to all who reported bugs and please keep your bug reports coming Smile
Forgive me when i did not mention you explicitly in this post, there were quite a lot reports ;)

Bugs Left open:
- BBDecoder is crappy
- Highlighted Rank on some ranking pages is wrong

The settings in your account for primary language only affects emails and newsletters.
The current language for the website is determined by your browser-language. You can switch it on the fly in the top-menu.
In case no translation exists, it will fallback to english. Currently there is lots of translation missing.

Happy Challenging!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Aug 31, 2010 - 09:08:52
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RE: WeChall v4
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I can't get my stats, when I replace the plus (for the space) with an underscore, I can see the site, but not the graph.
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RE: WeChall v4
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hmm that's interesting (i think Drool)..
after the wechall update you did today and after having solved 4/7 new challenges i lost -16.90% (-2179 points) on WeChall..
is this supposed to happen or the gain got screwed with the lost??
just wondering.. Smile
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RE: WeChall v4
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It should be related to the wechall scoring bug:

Looking at a challenge was treated as you already solved it.
I will update all wechall users in a bit, then the wechall scores should be correct again.

I updated all wechall wechall scores recently, so a lot people lost a few percent, but scores should be accurate now Smile

PS: Of course the bug from John W has been fixed Smile

Happy Challenging!
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RE: WeChall v4
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Quote from shadum

-- edit
Hmmm.... that's odd. I didn't really expect to see my comment inside the quote. Everything from "I think I'm seeing..." on is outside the BBCode end quote marker but it isn't displaying that way.
-- shadum

This has been fixed hopefully Smile

Also the spoiler tag should have been fixed, reported by livinskull Smile
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Aug 31, 2010 - 14:03:47
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