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What the heck is with this site.If i try to acces the challenges it tells me that i must be logged in to view that board (AND OBVIOUSLY I AM LOGGED IN).I can acces the challenges going through my profile,but at most of the levels after i submit the password,again it sends me to and it says me i must be logged in.
Please fix that problem.
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I see you have already 179 points. How did you manage to solve tasks? If there is a real problem, could you please describe on which task exactly?

To reproduce issue you have reported, I have created one account and started to solve tasks. No problem has been found so far.
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Ok,as i said i can access the challenges going through PROFILE page.Else if i click on the left menu named Tasks on Net or Software or ... it sends me to task.php?id=* and it says me I must be logged in or Registered to acces that page.I observed that this happens when my SID is not in the url Smile.
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This SID is not always present when you solving tasks. For sure it should be written in cookie so you can browse through you cookies and check if you have it present. Maybe there is something with your browser? I mean, heavily modded FF can cause problems... Have you tested this behaviour with other browsers? (IE, Opera, Safari etc..)
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The bug has been fixed, if you still have any problems please contact me via PM on
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Yes,now it works how it should.Good job.
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RE: Comments on TDHack
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Hey, I have problem with points from TDHack. In August I made only 0,30 % points, and now when I have on tdhack more than 700 points and I clicked in 'update' on WeChall and I haven't got new points and I lost my 0,30% ;d. Can somebody help me? Smile
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RE: Comments on TDHack
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We will check this, seems that is a global problem for our site.
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RE: Comments on TDHack
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The error was in the wechall side of the scripts. TDHack and PHMaster are both finally fixed.
I am sorry for the delay as i did not spot my score go down locally.
Thanks to you, Marvolo and grimskies, for reporting the errors.


Happy Challenging Smile
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RE: Comments on TDHack
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Just tried using TDHack. Site works, but I get "35 - Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to" when trying to update my score here... Something easy to fix?

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