Sites with Math challenges on WeChall
ID |
Language |
Site |
Users |
Challs |
Average |
Dif |
Fun |
Description |
| 97 | French |  ![The Énigmes À Thématiques Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/97?1) | Énigmes À Thématiques | 2084 | 5817 | 2.35% | 50.00% | 50.00% | Énigmes À Thématiques, c'est une nouvelle énigme inédite qui sort chaque jour dans des domaines aussi variés que... |
| 80 | English |  ![The Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/80?1) | | 220 | 6 | 46.47% | 50.00% | 50.00% | One of the original challenges! is once again available to play (hosted within Mod-X). Enjoy! |
| 75 | Greek |  ![The Mathchall Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/75?1) | Mathchall | | | | 50.00% | 50.00% | Mathchall is requiring the mind to use pure intelligence in the attainment of pure truth. ---Now you can maximize you... |
| 58 | English |  ![The Valhalla Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/58?1) | Valhalla | | | | 56.25% | 100.00% | Valhalla is a place for sharing knowledge and ideas. Valhalla allows users to submit code, as well as science,... |
| 55 | French |  ![The Right-Answer Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/55?14) | Right-Answer | | | | 39.29% | 53.12% | This website want to make you think and learn in several chall spread over several categories such as logic,... |
| 47 | English |  ![The SPOJ Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/47?1) | SPOJ | 1216009 | 7002 | 1.12% | 62.50% | 18.75% | SPOJ (Sphere Online Judge) is an online judge system with 2000 programming challenges. The solutions to challenges can... |
| 38 | English |  ![The Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/38?0) | | | | | 58.33% | 68.75% | Another english site |
| 37 | English |  ![The CSTutoringCenter Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/37?0) | CSTutoringCenter | | | | 39.70% | 68.05% | provides many different kinds of challenges. You are
free to solve them in any language and with... |
| 36 | English |  ![The RoseCode Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/36?9) | RoseCode | | | | 53.57% | 71.43% | This site publishes mostly math based programming challenges. Other topics include Crypto, Brainfck, Hacking, and... |
| 27 | English |  ![The Project Euler Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/27?0) | Project Euler | | | | 75.00% | 100.00% | Project Euler is a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just... |
| 25 | Polish |  ![The Show Your Skills Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/25?0) | Show Your Skills | | | | 84.09% | 77.27% | is a polish website with a lot of challenges. You can find here hackmes, crackmes, cryptography... |
| 23 | German |  ![The MiBs Challenges Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/23?0) | MiBs Challenges | | | | 65.91% | 73.22% | MiBs Challenges is a German riddle site started in 2005 with over 150 challenges in 9 categories including math,... |
| 17 | Spanish |  ![The Hispabyte Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/17?0) | Hispabyte | | | | 45.45% | 61.36% | Wargame de Hispabyte, zona práctica de un sitio dedicado a la seguridad, informática y programación.
Wargame of... |
| 14 | French |  ![The infomirmo Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/14?0) | infomirmo | | | | 70.00% | 70.00% | A new French site turned to the learning of the computing through the SOSI challenge. SOSI is a linear challenge with a... |
| 12 | English |  ![The LOST-Chall Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/12?0) | LOST-Chall | | | | 63.04% | 66.31% | A site based on the TV show Lost. Challenges range from easy to hard. Non-Lost fans will find this enjoyable too! |
| 9 | German |  ![The Happy-Security Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/9?0) | Happy-Security | | | | 63.33% | 66.07% | Happy-Security is a german challenge site. {also translated in english}
Beside the 'normal' challenge sections, there... |
| 6 | English |  ![The Electrica Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/6?0) | Electrica | 12574 | 44 | 24.60% | 89.28% | 82.69% | Reverse engineering, cryptography, maths, steganography challenges. Home of the challengers handbook. |
| 4 | English |  ![The Rankk Logo [LOGO]](/dbimg/logo/4?0) | Rankk | 9989 | 353 | 11.90% | 80.77% | 75.89% | Rankk's challenges are organised into levels from easy to difficult. The challenges are based on topics ranging from... |
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